Thursday, June 20, 2013

Round Two: The Monster Gains Ground

So... round two begins with Daddy's decision to go on medical leave from work in November of 04. Even though school had me busy, this is when my gut started telling me that something just was not right. I was active in the swim team, this helped keep my mind off things. Ever the optimist, I constantly told myself and momma... everythings gonna be okay. The doctors will figure it out.
Around Thanksgiving, we stayed at a hotel for three days so Daddy could get an IV treatment. It was an in home treatment, but in the intrest of space and momma wanting me to keep busy, we chose to go to the hotel. It had an indoor pool, so I spent a lot of time downstairs in the pool. I look back now and appreciate those three days. I got quality time with Daddy, he came and watched me in the pool, and we got to chat over the free breakfasts.
Christmas came with the least amount of enthusiasm ever shown in our house. All the traditions were there, but the feeling of held back tears and immense saddness hung in the air. The hope of the treatment working had passed and the monster was gaining strength by siphoning it from Daddy. Daddy had loss all movement in his hands and his legs were weakening. I don't remember New Years... I guess we knew to some extent we didn't have much to celebrate... but little did I know how horrid 2005 would turn out to be.

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