Monday, July 15, 2013

Round Twelve: The Damage

Life had settled back in routine and when R was on shift things were good. We worked well together,  she knew what I was comfortable doing and helping with and what I wasn't. The Monster had taken a lot of Daddy's dignity, I wanted to keep what little he had intact. Tasks such as bathing and changing were not things I did.
Unfortunately,  not all the nurses understood this. One tried changing him in front of me... she got an ear full. Others would talk to him as if he was incompetent or not take time to understand him. The damage was taking toll by the beginning of July. He was completely bedridden and had great difficulty speaking. I was his translator to most everyone. The only other person who was even close to my level of knowing his speech pattern was R.
Even with the speech difficulty, the Monster could not steal my Daddy's sense of humor. As translator, I would listen as Daddy spoke then I would repeat what I thought he said. This was followed by a head nod yes or headshake no. If it was a no,  we would try again. Wash, rinse,  repeat,  until we had it right. It became a game... a game that usually resulted in belly laughs for all involved.
One night in particular comes to mind- R was on duty and dozing in her chair. I was asleep on my matress beside Daddy's bed (I had not slept in my own room since Momma passed.) I was startled awake by hysterical laughter. I sat up to see R laughing so hard she was doubled over and Daddy was laughing so hard tears were rolling down his face.  Confused,  I asked what was so funny. Daddy just shook his head and eye motioned to R. R caught her breath and explained that she was dozing when Daddy woke her. She decided not to wake me and try her hand at playing the guessing game with Daddy. He said something several times and she said, "You want some... HOT SAUCE?!" He busted out laughing and so did she. I don't remember now what it was he actually wanted,  but it most definately wasn't Hot Sauce!
These were the good moments. Unfortunately, those were getting fewer and farther between.

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